Sunday, November 19, 2017

The Wondrous Month

The Wondrous calendar changes the structure of the year and the month that most other calendars use.

The year was divided by the Báb into 19 sections that we call "months". (Some authors, however, have said that they should actually be called "weeks" since they have nothing to do with the moon's cycles!) Each of these "months" has 19 days. For an in-depth exploration of the mystical significance of the calendar, see A Wondrous New Day.

The following layout of the calendar groups the 19 days in a very special way:

This follows the concepts introduced by the Báb when he described the 19 months in a year:
The first three months are the fire of God, the next four months, the air of eternity, and the subsequent six months are the water of divine unity which streameth forth upon all souls, descending from the atmosphere of eternity, which in turn is derived from the fire of God. The last six months pertain to earthly existence, whereby all that hath appeared from these three elements may be established within the element of dust, through which the fruit will be harvested. (Quoted in Gate of the Heart, page 75)
I'm trying to learn to live by the flow of the 19 days of the month, grouped as they are above. What does this mean to me, in my desire to live by this new calendar?

The first few days are times of thinking fondly of the Bahá'í Nineteen Day Feast, always celebrated on the first day of the month. This is a time of beginnings and giving glory to God; the start of the new month when one can think carefully about the name of that month and what it means.

The next four days seem ideal for resolving to make this a great month and drawing on the power of God as we direct our energies towards the advancement of society. Plans are made and started.

The first group of six days, mirroring the months called the Water of Unification, seems to be the heart of the month, where we buckle down and get work done, translating the spiritual guidance into practical actions.  Day 10 is halfway through the month, the "hump-day" of the month when we can start looking forward to what is coming!

The last six days, named Earth, are the tail-end of the month to finish what we've been doing. This is also the gradual build-up to the celebration of the next Feast!

This 19-day rhythm seems to be just about right - not too short and not too long! As I track myself through these phases of the month I find that I can keep a handle on where in the month I am.

I'm just starting on this journey and know that I'll learn much more about what the calendar means and how it can shape my days.

How are you making use of this new, this Wondrous, calendar?